Articles on: Product Reviews - UGC

How to have reviews on the List Reviews?

If you want to have reviews shown on the List Review page, you must have real reviews from your customers.

Kindly make sure that the orders are made of the real purchase from your store, not by creating from your Orders in Shopify admin.

To have reviews for the products, follow all the guidelines below

Step 1: Turn on our app Fordeer: Product Review-UGC on the App Embeds

Step 2: Add theme block/ section to your Shopify Theme

You need add theme block or section to your Shopify Theme by following all the steps below:

Select the Product page
Click Add section or Add block, and under App Blocks select Preview Badge (Stars)
You can drag and drop Preview Badge (Stars) widget to the position you'd like to display on your product page.
To do this, move the mouse pointer over the icon :: until the mouse pointer changes to a hand, then you can move the review block to the position you want.
Click the Save button.

Step 3: Enable the Review Reminder Notifications

Kindly go to the Notifications page in the sidebar menu, then kindly enable the Review Reminder option as the picture below.

Step 4: Make a purchase

Go to your Shopify store online, then fill in all the fields on two pictures above, then click Pay now to buy products successfully.

Step 5: Leave reviews

After that, you will receive an email review reminder. Kindly click to see the email in details.

Each item has a one line Write a review for the buyers to click in. Click Write a review to leave a review.

Here, your customers can choose the rating star, write thoughts as well as add the photos. After that, kindly click Next.

In this step, your customers need to enter your name and your email to the box. The field Name is compulsory for all reviewed customers. They can not send a review without entering their Name. Remember to click Send at the end to complete the review process.

After leaving a review successfully, kindly go to our app, then go to Reviews page on the sidebar menu, then go to Manage reviews.

Here kindly click Reload to allow our app get new information. You will see the review displayed on the Manage reviews page.

Updated on: 13/10/2023

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