Articles on: Product Reviews - UGC

What does Review Analytics have?

Analytics page will give you both a quantitative and qualitative picture of your review data. From this page, you can easily view the number of reviews, average product ratings, and distributions of those ratings over time.

Filter Data

To begin with, click on Analytics on the sidebar menu and here you can see the statistics.

You can view the change over time by selecting from filtering data by data range. Please click on the Calendar button, then choose Date range, kindly remember to click Apply. You can see the picture below to do it.

If the data is not updated, click on the Reload button to acquire the most recent data.


Approved Reviews

In this page, you can also see the number of Approved Reviews from 2 sources:

- Imported: Approved reviews imported from file
- Collected: Organic reviews by customers

Total Reviews over time

This number tells you the number of reviews you are having in your store.

Average Product Rating

Average Product Rating is based on Approved Reviews

Positive reviews: All 4 and 5 star reviews
Negative reviews: All 3, 2 and 1 star reviews

Kindly click View details to go to the detail statistics for more information.

Email Analytics

Email sent presents the number of review emails that have been sent to customers

- Sent The number of emails sent to customers
- Opened - The number of customers who opened the emails sent
- Clicked Unique clicks on the CTA button.

For more information, please click on View details

At here, you can see the line graph to show all the information about email analytics.

Updated on: 10/10/2023

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