Articles on: Fordeer PDF Invoice

How to display metafields on the invoice templates?

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Notable: Please kindly make sure you have created metafield definitions and added value before. If not, read these instructions carefully and follow them:

How to create meta field definitions
How to add value to the meta field in the product setting

This guideline will show you in detail how to display metafield values on billing documents.

Step 1. Go to the Customization page and select the template you want to display metafields. Click Customize.

Step 2. Select Overview if you want to display the order metafield values. Then select Extra options.

Step 3. Scroll down until you see Order metafields and turn it on.

Step 4. Select Shipping info if you want to display the customer metafield values, then select Display options.

Scroll down until you see Show customer metafields, then turn it on.

Select Line items & total if you want to display the item metafield values.

In the Item column section, scroll down until you see Show items's metafields, then turn it on. Next, type down the meta key you want to display.

Finally, remember Save and finish all the modifications.

Where to find the meta_key?

Please go to Settings on the Shopify admin => Custom data => Products
Then select one of metafields you are having
Copy the key after custom.

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Updated on: 07/06/2024

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