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How to configure Email Settings?

Before you can send out any email campaign in Fordeer, you need to have a verified sender. You have three options to add a sender:

Use Fordeer sender domain and email service (Default)
Use your email account and Fordeer email service
Use your email account and your custom SMTP

In this guide, we will walk you through by steps to set up your email automation configuration.

Step 1: Access “Settings” page

Go to Settings on our app, then click Email settings. After that, click Edit button to start the setup

Step 2: Select the option that you want to follow

There are 3 options for you:

Use Fordeer sender domain and email service (Default)
Use your email account and Fordeer email service
Use your email account and your custom SMTP

Step 3: Add the sender and complete the settings

Option 1: Use Fordeer sender domain and email service (Default)

With this setting, all your campaign will be sent automatically by Fordeer email sender. You will need to add your reply-to email after.

Option 2: Use your email account and Fordeer email service

Enter your Sender name and Sender email, then click the Verify your email button.

An email will be sent to your mailbox. Check your inbox and click on the link included in that email to confirm your email is a valid email address at a domain that belongs to you.

After verifying your email successfully, you can start sending your email automation by your custom sender as the default one.

Option 3: Use your email account and your custom SMTP

Different from the option 2, you can use your email account and your own custom SMTP to send all your automation campaign with the FIOP.

When you select this option, you need to fill up all information about your custom SMTP service.

Step 4: Click “Save”

Remember clicking Save button to complete your email configuration

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Updated on: 07/06/2024

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